Parents of young children face an endless series of challenges. But as the third year of life begins to unfold, it becomes easier to understand for the child's personality and how parents deal with their idiosyncrasies.
At the age of 32 months, the majority of children involved in playing some kind of parallel. Playing in Parallel refers to play alongside another child, instead of interacting with the child in a game or other activity. Continue to play together soloAt this stage, so parents should not be concerned with the child to play both solo and in parallel have been warned.
Finally, the child will begin to form his personal friendship. This may be as soon as possible, depending on how much interaction the child has experience with other children his age (for example, if your child attends preschool classes during the day). Parents should always be sure to encourage budding friendships.
A potential obstacle to the success playtimeDogmatism. It must be quite normal for children in this age of ego-centric. It 'good that parents know that this is a phase that has happened to the rule. However, it is important to teach your child good manners and empathy. The child a couple of simple decisions can also lead to a feeling of control that the child is less likely to act, making it in the form of ego thing.
Another innovation that may occur around the age of 32 months, cry-baby syndrome. Children often use cryingas a form of emotional expression. Again, this is usually a phase that will pass for most children. However, some children are more sensitive than others, so this can also be an indication of the child's personality.
The parents of a 32-month-old should be any change, as it happens and do their best to make the changes yet to come prepared.
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